Arab Fertilizers and Chemicals Industries Ltd.
Invitation to Tender No. 3/2023
Arab Fertilizers and Chemicals Industries Ltd. (Kemapco) wishes to receive tenders for above mentioned subject for Kemapco’s at Site in Aqaba –Durra Circle before, in accordance with the specifications and conditions in the Tender Documents.
Interested candidates and specialist, Suppliers who wish to participate in this tender should be specialized in supplying HDPE Floating Covers for Ponds protection, this should be confirmed in details in submitted offers, may purchase the Tender Documents from the Arab Fertilizers & Chemical Industries Ltd. (KEMAPCO) offices at the following address: Aqaba site, Durra, Administration building, or Amman office, at a total cost of JD 40 nonrefundable, starting from Sunday 19/03/2023 and subjected to the following:
- The last date of receiving clarification and enquiries at the end of working day Wednesday 29/03/2023.
- Tenders shall be furnished with a Tender Security in the amount of JD 1000 (One Thousand Jordanian Dinars) in its separate envelope, in the form of a bank guarantee or a cheque that is certified by a local Jordanian bank. Tender security shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the Tender submission date. Tenders not accompanied with the required Security shall be rejected.
- The offers shall be submitted in four sealed envelopes labeled with the Tender No. and contents of the envelope (As Per Tender Documents).
- Kemapco holds no obligation to award the Tender to the lowest price and reserves its right to accept or reject any Tender, and to annul the tendering process and reject all Tenders, at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer or tenderers or any obligation to express the grounds for Kemapco's action.
- Deadline for Tender submission is at 3:00 pm of Tuesday 18/04/2023, Offers are to be submitted to Kemapco’s Offices to the following addresses:
- Aqaba South Industrial Area, P.O.Box: 2564, Aqaba 77110, Tel. +962 3 201 71 74, Fax: +962 3 201 71 82. Purchasing Section.
-Amman, Abdali, Sulieman Nabilsi street Building no 30, 2nd floor,
P.O.Box: 927783, Amman 11190 Jordan. Tel 065102650, Fax: 065102664
General Manager
Bassam Al-Zoumot